Love this new addition! Sooooo…..I have a pretty good coffee syrup collection. But I was only able to display 3 on my coffee bar, due to the room I had to work with. But I saw this coffee syrup stand that holds 6 bottles, and I fell in love! What do you think? Isn’t it […]

Not getting it ‘just right’? Do any of these common coffee issues sound familiar? Many people struggle with the same ‘coffee making problems’ – it’s too strong, it’s too weak, it tastes burnt, it’s too hot, it’s too tepid…..have you come across any of these issues? Well fear not – there are simple solutions to […]

My Beginnings with Latte Art Designs Ehhhh…’s not the best, lol! BUT, I have definitely come a long way! I’m going to share a few pics of my beginner latte art designs. However, you have to promise not to laugh! Promise? Ok, good. Actually, go ahead and laugh. I did! They’re definitely good for a […]

Home Coffee Bars – Doable for any budget! Looking to set up your very own coffee bar? Tight on cash, have plenty to spend, or anywhere in between – you can do this! Having a home coffee bar for me is just plain FUN! Oh, and delicious, of course! I started out small, probably as […]

Tired of spending $8.00/day or more for your favorite coffee drink at the cafe? Have I got a couple of solutions for you!  I’m going to show you two options for a home espresso maker: One luxury espresso machine, and one budget espresso machine. The Best Luxury Espresso Machine for Home There are a lot […]

Are you one of those people that turn up their nose at canned ground coffee? I’m not. Like I’ve said before – I’m a middle-of-the-road coffee lover. Meaning, I like ALL types of coffee. (Mayyyyybe with the exception of instant. Perhaps if I were locked in a cave for a month or more, I’d consider […]

Hi, everyone! And thank you for checking out my first blog post! As a typical middle-class coffee consumer, my taste in coffee varies between ‘budget but delicious’ and ‘pamper myself with pricey’ coffees. Same with machines, grinders, etc. But we will get into all that in time. Organic Coffee Qualities Let’s be clear: I am not an […]